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The Fields component is similar to the Field component, but operates on multiple fields at a time. Rather than passing a single name prop, Fields takes an array of names in the names prop.

IMPORTANT: Connecting to multiple fields should be used sparingly, as it will require the entire <Fields> component to re-render every time any of the fields it is connected to change. This can be a performance bottleneck. Unless you absolutely need to, you should connect to your fields individually with <Field>.


var Fields = require('redux-form').Fields;  // ES5

import { Fields } from 'redux-form';  // ES6

Props you can pass to Fields

names : Array<String> [required]

An array of strings (or the pseudo-array fields provided by FieldArray), in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to form values. They may be as simple as 'firstName' or as complicated as contact.billing.address[2].phones[1].areaCode. See the Usage section below for details.

component : Component|Function [required]

A Component or stateless function that will be given all the props necessary to render the field inputs. See the Usage section below for details.

format : (value, name) => formattedValue [optional]

Formats the value from the Redux store to be displayed in the field input. Common use cases are to format Numbers into currencies or Dates into a localized date format.

format is called with the field value and name as arguments and should return the new formatted value to be displayed in the field input.

To respect React 15 input behavior there is defaultFormat = value => value == null ? '' : value internally used. To disable that you can pass null as format prop.

props : object [optional]

Object with custom props to pass through the Fields component into a component provided to component prop. This props will be merged to props provided by Fields itself. This may be useful if you are using TypeScript. This construct is completely optional; the primary way of passing props along to your component is to give them directly to the Fields component, but if, for whatever reason, you prefer to bundle them into a separate object, you may do so by passing them into props.

parse : (value, name) => parsedValue [optional]

Parses the value given from the field input component to the type that you want stored in the Redux store. Common use cases are to parse currencies into Numbers into currencies or localized date formats into Dates.

parse is called with the field value and name as arguments and should return the new parsed value to be stored in the Redux store.

withRef : boolean [optional]

If true, the rendered component will be available with the getRenderedComponent() method. Defaults to false. Cannot be used if your component is a stateless function component.


The component prop will be passed to React.createElement(), which accepts one of two possible things:

1. A component

This can be any component class that you have written or have imported from a third party library.

To learn what props will be passed to your component, see the Props section below.

2. A stateless function

This is the most flexible way to use <Fields>, as it gives you complete control over how the inputs is rendered. It is especially useful for displaying validation errors. It will also be the most familiar to people migrating from previous versions of redux-form. You must define the stateless function outside of your render() method, or else it will be recreated on every render and will force the Fields to rerender because its component prop will be different. If you are defining your stateless function inside of render(), it will not only be slower, but your input will lose focus whenever the entire form component rerenders.

// outside your render() method
const renderFields = (fields) => (
    <div className="input-row">
      <input {...fields.firstName.input} type="text"/>
      {fields.firstName.meta.touched && fields.firstName.meta.error && 
       <span className="error">{fields.firstName.meta.error}</span>}
    <div className="input-row">
      <input {...fields.lastName.input} type="text"/>
      {fields.lastName.meta.touched && fields.lastName.meta.error && 
       <span className="error">{fields.lastName.meta.error}</span>}

// inside your render() method
<Fields names={[ 'firstName', 'lastName' ]} component={renderFields}/>

To learn what props will be passed to your stateless function, see the Props section below.

Instance API

The following properties and methods are available on an instance of a Field component.

dirty : boolean

true if the current value of any of the fields is different from the initialized value, false otherwise.

names : Array<String>

The names prop that you passed in.

pristine : boolean

true if the all of the current values are the same as the initialized values, false otherwise.

values : any

The current values of the fields. If they are nested, the values will duplicate the structure. For example, if your names are [ 'name.first', 'name.last', 'email' ], the values will be { name: { first: 'John', last: 'Smith' }, email: '[email protected]' }


Returns the instance of the rendered component. For this to work, you must provide a withRef prop, and your component must not be a stateless function component.



The props that Fields will pass to your component are the same input and meta structures that Field generates, except that they are broken up into the structure of the fields you gave as names.

Any additional props that you pass to Field will be included at the root of the props structure given to your component

For example, if the fields you gave are...

  anotherCustomProp="Some other information"/>
...the props given to your component would be of the structure:
  name: { input: { ... }, meta: { ... } },
  email: { input: { ... }, meta: { ... } },
  address: {
    street: { input: { ... }, meta: { ... } },
    city: { input: { ... }, meta: { ... } },
    postalCode: { input: { ... }, meta: { ... } }
  anotherCustomProp: 'Some other information'