reduxForm(config:Object) #

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Creates a decorator with which you use redux-form to connect your form component to Redux. It takes a config parameter which lets you configure your form.

Importing #

var reduxForm = require('redux-form').reduxForm;  // ES5

import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form';  // ES6

Config Properties #

IMPORTANT: All of these configuration options may be passed into reduxForm() at "design time" or passed in as props to your component at runtime.

Required #

form : String [required] #

the name of your form and the key to where your form's state will be mounted under the redux-form reducer

Optional #

-asyncBlurFields : Array<String> [optional] #

field names for which onBlur should trigger a call to the asyncValidate function. Defaults to triggering the async validation when any field is blurred. If you wish to disable the blur validation, but still provide an asyncValidate function, you may pass [] to this property, resulting in the async validation only being run before submission.

See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.

asyncValidate : (values:Object, dispatch:Function, props:Object, blurredField:String) => Promise<undefined, errors:Object> [optional] #

a function that takes all the form values, the dispatch function, the props given to your component and the current blurred field, and returns a Promise that will resolve if the validation is passed, or will reject with an object of validation errors in the form { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }.

See Asynchronous Blur Validation Example for more details.

destroyOnUnmount : boolean [optional] #

Whether or not to automatically destroy your form's state in the Redux store when your component is unmounted. Defaults to true.

enableReinitialize : boolean [optional] #

When set to true, the form will reinitialize every time the initialValues prop changes. Defaults to false. If the keepDirtyOnReinitialize option is also set, the form will retain the value of dirty fields when reinitializing.

forceUnregisterOnUnmount : boolean [optional] #

Whether or not to force unregistration of fields -- use in conjunction with destroyOnUnmount. Useful for wizard-type forms where you want to destroy fields as they unmount, but not the form's state. Defaults to false, as forms are normally unregistered on unmount.

getFormState : Function [optional] #

A function that takes the entire Redux state and returns the state slice which corresponds to where the redux-form reducer was mounted. This functionality is rarely needed, and defaults to assuming that the reducer is mounted under the form key.

immutableProps : Array<String> [optional] #

Prop names that only require strict-equals, not deep equals, to determine shouldComponentUpdate. Useful for performance and compatibility with 3rd party immutable libraries. Defaults to [].

initialValues : Object<String, String> [optional] #

The values with which to initialize your form in componentWillMount(). The values should be in the form { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.

keepDirtyOnReinitialize : boolean [optional] #

When set to true and enableReinitialize is also set, the form will retain the value of dirty fields when reinitializing. When this option is not set (the default), reinitializing the form replaces all field values. This option is useful in situations where the form has live updates or continues to be editable after form submission; it prevents reinitialization from overwriting user changes. Defaults to false.

onChange : Function [optional] #

A callback function that will be called with all the form values any time any of the form values change.

onChange will be called with the following parameters:

values : Object #

The changed field values in the form of { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.

dispatch : Function #

The Redux dispatch function.

props : Object #

The props passed into your decorated component.

onSubmit : Function [optional] #

The function to call with the form data when the handleSubmit() is fired from within the form component. If you do not specify it as a prop here, you must pass it as a parameter to handleSubmit() inside your form component.

If your onSubmit function returns a promise, the submitting property will be set to true until the promise has been resolved or rejected. If it is rejected with a redux-form SubmissionError containing errors in the form { field1: 'error', field2: 'error' } then the submission errors will be added to each field (to the error prop) just like async validation errors are. If there is an error that is not specific to any field, but applicable to the entire form, you may pass that as if it were the error for a field called _error, and it will be given as the error prop.

onSubmit will be called with the following parameters:

values : Object #

The field values in the form of { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.

dispatch : Function #

The Redux dispatch function.

props : Object #

The props passed into your decorated component.

onSubmitFail : Function [optional] #

A callback function that will be called when a submission fails for whatever reason. It will be called with the following parameters:

errors : Object #

The errors that caused the submission to fail.

dispatch : Function #

The Redux dispatch function.

submitError : Error #

The error object that caused the submission to fail. If errors is set this will be most likely a SubmissionError, otherwise it can be any error or null.

props : Object #

The props passed into your decorated component.

onSubmitSuccess : Function [optional] #

A callback function that will be called when a submission succeeds. It will be called with the following parameters:

result : Object #

Any result that onSubmit has returned

dispatch : Function #

The Redux dispatch function.

props : Object #

The props passed into your decorated component.

propNamespace : String [optional] #

If specified, all the props normally passed into your decorated component directly will be passed under the key specified. Useful if using other decorator libraries on the same component to avoid prop namespace collisions.

pure : boolean [optional] #

If true, implements shouldComponentUpdate and compares only the Redux-connected props that are needed to manage the form state, preventing unnecessary updates, assuming that the component is a “pure” component and does not rely on any input or state other than its props and the selected Redux store’s state. Defaults to true.

Similar to the pure parameter in react-redux's connect() API

shouldValidate(params) : boolean [optional] #

An optional function you may provide to have full control over when sync validation happens. Your shouldValidate() function will be given an object with the following values:

values : Object #

The values in the form of { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' }.

nextProps : Object #

The next props.

props : Object #

The current props.

initialRender : boolean #

true if the form is being initially rendered.

structure : Object #

The structure object being used internally for values. You may wish to use deepEqual from the structure.

shouldAsyncValidate(params) : boolean [optional] #

An optional function you may provide to have full control over when async validation happens. Your shouldAsyncValidate() function will be given an object with the following values:

asyncErrors : Object [optional] #

Any existing asynchronous validation errors

initialized : boolean [required] #

true if the form has ever been initialized with initial values

trigger : String [required] #

The reason to possibly run async validation. It will either be: 'blur' or 'submit', depending on whether an async blur field had triggered the async validation or if submitting the form has triggered it, respectively.

blurredField : string [optional] #

The name of the field that has triggered the async validation. May be undefined.

pristine : boolean [required] #

true if the form is pristine, false if it is dirty

syncValidationPasses : boolean [required] #

true if synchronous validation is passing, false if it is failing.

The default behavior is:

  if(!syncValidationPasses) {
    return false
  switch(trigger) {
    case 'blur':
      // blurring
      return true
    case 'submit':
      // submitting, so only async validate if form is dirty or was never initialized
      // conversely, DON'T async validate if the form is pristine just as it was initialized
      return !pristine || !initialized
      return false

touchOnBlur : boolean [optional] #

marks fields as touched when the blur action is fired. Defaults to true.

touchOnChange : boolean [optional] #

marks fields as touched when the change action is fired. Defaults to false.

persistentSubmitErrors : boolean [optional] #

do not remove submit errors when the change action is fired. Defaults to false.

validate : (values:Object, props:Object) => errors:Object [optional] #

a synchronous validation function that takes the form values and props passed into your component. If validation passes, it should return {}. If validation fails, it should return the validation errors in the form { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }. Defaults to (values, props) => ({}).

See Synchronous Validation Example for more details.

warn : (values:Object, props:Object) => warnings:Object [optional] #

a synchronous warning function that takes the form values and props passed into your component. Warnings work the same as validations, but do not mark a form as invalid. If the warning check passes, it should return {}. If the check fails, it should return the warnings in the form { field1: <String>, field2: <String> }. Defaults to (values, props) => ({}).

Instance API #

The following are methods or properties that you can access on an instance of your decorated form component.

dirty : boolean #

true when the current form values are different from the initialValues, false otherwise.

fieldList : Array #

An array of strings representing all the fields in the form. Mainly useful for testing.

invalid : boolean #

true when the form is invalid (has validation errors), false otherwise.

pristine : boolean #

true when the current form values are the same as the initialValues, false otherwise.

reset() : void #

Resets the form to the initialValues. It will be pristine after reset.

submit() : Promise #

Submits the form. [You'd never have guessed that, right?] Returns a promise that will be resolved when the form is submitted successfully, or rejected if the submission fails.

valid : boolean #

true when the form is valid (has no validation errors), false otherwise.

values : Object #

The current values of all the fields in the form.

wrappedInstance : ReactElement #

A reference to the instance of the component you decorated with reduxForm(). Mainly useful for testing.