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redux-form provides a set of useful Redux state selectors that may be used in any part of your application to query the state of any of your forms.

All of the selectors listed below have the same usage pattern: they all (apart from getFormNames) take the name of the form, and create a selector for whatever form state the selector is for.

They also all take an undocumented final parameter getFormState() that is used to select the mount point of the redux-form reducer from the root Redux reducer (it defaults to state => state.form, assuming that you have mounted the redux-form reducer under form.

import {
} from 'redux-form'

MyComponent = connect(
  state => ({
    values: getFormValues('myForm')(state),
    initialValues: getFormInitialValues('myForm')(state),
    syncErrors: getFormSyncErrors('myForm')(state),
    asyncErrors: getFormAsyncErrors('myForm')(state),
    syncWarnings: getFormSyncWarnings('myForm')(state),
    submitErrors: getFormSubmitErrors('myForm')(state),
    names: getFormNames('myForm')(state),
    dirty: isDirty('myForm')(state),
    pristine: isPristine('myForm')(state),
    valid: isValid('myForm')(state),
    invalid: isInvalid('myForm')(state),
    submitting: isSubmitting('myForm')(state),
    submitSucceeded: hasSubmitSucceeded('myForm')(state),
    submitFailed: hasSubmitFailed('myForm')(state)

List of Selectors

getFormValues(formName:String) returns (state) => formValues:Object

Gets the form values. Shocking, right?

getFormInitialValues(formName:String) returns (state) => formInitialValues:Object

Gets the form's initial values.

getFormSyncErrors(formName:String) returns (state) => formSyncErrors:Object

Returns the form synchronous validation errors.

getFormAsyncErrors(formName:String) returns (state) => formAsyncErrors:Object

Returns the form asynchronous validation errors.

getFormSyncWarnings(formName:String) returns (state) => formSyncWarnings:Object

Returns the form synchronous warnings.

getFormSubmitErrors(formName:String) returns (state) => formSubmitErrors:Object

Returns the form submit validation errors.

getFormNames() returns (state) => formNames:Array

Gets the names of all the forms currently managed by Redux-Form.

The reason that this is a function that returns a function is twofold:

  1. symmetry with the other selectors
  2. to allow for the getFormState parameter described at the top of this page.

If you are using ImmutableJS, it will return a List.

isDirty(formName:String) returns (state) => dirty:boolean

Returns true if the form is dirty, i.e. the values have been altered from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isPristine.

isPristine(formName:String) returns (state) => pristine:boolean

Returns true if the form is pristine, i.e. the values have NOT been altered from the original initialValues provided. The opposite of isDirty.

isValid(formName:String) returns (state) => valid:boolean

Returns true if the form is valid, i.e. has no sync, async, or submission errors. The opposite of isInvalid.

isInvalid(formName:String) returns (state) => invalid:boolean

Returns true if the form is invalid, i.e. has sync, async, or submission errors. The opposite of isValid.

isSubmitting(formName:String) returns (state) => submitting:boolean

Returns true if the form is submitting.

hasSubmitSucceeded(formName:String) returns (state) => submitSucceeded:boolean

Returns true if the form has previously been successfully submitted.

hasSubmitFailed(formName:String) returns (state) => submitFailed:boolean

Returns true if the form has previously failed to submit.